Is wisdom Tooth Surgery Useful or Useless?

All teeth grow fully and on time, but wisdom teeth are not like other teeth, and they grow differently in each person. Except when the wisdom tooth is fully grown, in some people, who are not few, this tooth remains hidden and does not protrude from the gums, and sometimes part of the wisdom tooth crown protrudes from inside, but the other part stays under the gums. A dentist who performs wisdom teeth removal in Oakville says: “If the jaw does not have enough space for wisdom teeth or caries has occurred, and the restoration is not in favor of the tooth, the tooth will be surgically extracted.” He adds: “Because wisdom teeth erupt later, and usually there is no space for it to grow in the jaw, and it does not play a big role in chewing, it is necessary to get it out of the oral cavity.”

This wisdom teeth removal specialist also says about the reasons for wisdom teeth occlusion in some people: small jaws compared to the size of teeth, irregular growth of permanent teeth following deciduous teeth, hereditary factors, and misalignment of wisdom teeth are effective in concealing these teeth. However, the natural range of wisdom tooth growth is from 11 years to 18 years.

If wisdom teeth occlusion becomes a problem

The most important secondary complication of wisdom tooth occlusion is that wisdom tooth occlusion is considered an obstacle if a person needs to use his teeth in old age.

Also, in people who have impacted wisdom teeth, after extracting the front tooth, the impacted tooth has the opportunity to grow crookedly and take its place. Of course, there is also an actual risk of pathological problems.

Do not delay wisdom tooth surgery

The best time for wisdom tooth surgery is 17 to 25 years old. Of course, wisdom tooth surgery is recommended for people whose crown has formed, and part or all of the crown is visible in the oral cavity. Still, after 30, if the wisdom tooth does not have an infection and cyst and does not cause injury, pain, and swelling, it is better not to extract the wisdom tooth. At this age, the jawbone becomes dense, and if wisdom teeth do not cause a problem, there is no need for surgery and tooth extraction, but if dental surgery is needed, it should be done by experienced dentists. Wisdom teeth are where the sensory nerve of the face passes, and a little carelessness can damage this important nerve. However, the older you get, the harder it is to extract wisdom teeth, but the bone is softer, and the teeth are easier to extract at younger ages.

Wisdom teeth must be extracted before major mandibular surgeries. Besides, it is best to check the condition of the impacted wisdom tooth every two years, and if it may be annoying or damage the front tooth, it should be surgically removed.

The impacted wisdom tooth must be extracted

  • In these cases, wisdom teeth must be surgically removed:
  • Causing Infection of the gums covering the teeth
  • Causing caries on the front teeth
  • Disrupting the order of the anterior teeth and overlapping them
  • Creating a bad path for prosthetic work

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