Now that your baby has reached the age of one, you can stop breastfeeding and teach your child the art of holding bottles and drinking milk on their own. But it certainly can take time for him to take control of the art. The sucking of milk from a bottle requires different movements of the tongue and mouth. Therefore, be patient and participate fully in the event so that your child gets used to the new change.
With this in mind, here are some guidelines you should follow during breast to bottle feeding your baby as accurately as possible and avoid many common mistakes.
Quantity of flows
How often should I feed my baby? It is a question that arises in the mind of each mother. For this reason, most doctors recommend that babies be fed as they go hungry. In general, a baby drinks up to 200 ml of formula a day in its first days of transition. Little by little, he develops his own routine and his nutritional needs.
Buy baby bottles
It is recommended to invest in high-quality baby bottles, such as those offered by Medela India. Medela bottles are plastic bottles without bisphenol A (BPA) that do not dispense chemicals in the formula for breastfed babies when they are heated. Just be very careful when you buy bottles for your baby.
Clean the bottle
This is another necessary thing that you, as a mother, must ensure. Before using the bottle for the first time, clean and sterilize completely for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Because sterilization kills germs and eliminates the risk of your baby suffering from an illness. Do not clean the bottles. Instead, let them dry outdoors. You can even buy an electric sterilizer for precise cleaning.
Warm the bottle
It is always advisable to heat the milk before giving it to the baby. By doing this, you make the milk more drinkable (its temperature equals that of breast milk). You can heat the milk by placing the bottle of milk in a bowl of hot water or using bottle warmers. These are available in the market today at reasonable prices. They are without problems and are very useful in a trip.
It’s less demanding
A mother who is exhausted by her hard work does not have to work harder during nighttime wakening and breastfeeding, a husband can always replace her, she or someone who is there to help her. Plus, your body will work less if you do not need to produce milk.
Feeding in public is less uncomfortable
Bottle feeding can be done in public without shame or embarrassment. A woman who feeds her baby in the bottle is not as interesting to others as a breastfeeding woman.
Feeding your baby means not only changing your breastfeeding habit, but also learning to hold bottles and develop your movements. As your child gets older, increase formula intake and reduce breastfeeding.